October 2017

Journal-based learning for October 2017

Each article’s contents should be read, researched and understood, and you should then come to a decision on each question. The pass mark is 17 out of 20 questions answered correctly. JBL exercises may be completed at any time until the published deadline date. Please select your choice of correct answers and complete the exercises online at: www.ibms.org/cpd/jbl

Science news in numbers: October


New prescribing data from NHS England shows in 2016:

"Injections cut heart attack risk"

Anti-inflammatory injections could lower the risk of heart attacks and may slow the progression of cancer. The researchers behind the claim say that their work may usher in a new era of preventative cardiology.

Chemo-boosting Drug

Drugs developed to treat heart and blood vessel problems could be used in combination with chemot

Under the microscope: MDMA

What is it MDMA?

To give it its full name – 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It’s a synthetic “party drug” that alters moods and perception. It rose to prominence as part of the nightclub and rave scene.

UK biomedical catalyst award

Centauri Therapeutics Ltd, a biotechnology company focused on the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer, has been awarded up to £945,000 under Innovate UK’s Biomedical Catalyst programme.

Biomedical Systems Acquired

This enables ERT to further expand its ability to reduce customer risk and uncertainty when imagi

Diagnosing with holograms

Could 3D imaging developments from the US change the way that diagnostic tests are carried out?

A life on the ocean wave

Stephen Mortlock tells of the gonorrhoea, hernias and deadly splinters that were a way of life in Nelson's navy.

Congress: Some of the highlights

Another successful Congress has come and gone. Sarah May, IBMS Deputy Chief Executive, talks through some of the highlights.

A day in the life of... Shannon Hylton

I am a third year biomedical science student at the University of East London. I am also a track sprinter and recently became the 200m British Champion before competing at the Summer World Athletics Championships in London this year.
