May 2019

Blood test for pregnant women

A new blood test to check for the potentially life-threatening condition pre-eclampsia will be available to women in England.

Imaging with LEGO

Researchers have come up with an inexpensive, automated way to image biological samples – using the children’s toy, LEGO.

Breath testing for gut disorders

Small children may one day avoid invasive oesophageal tube-testing for gut damage and coeliac disease thanks to a new method. It involves blowing into a glass tube to provide effective diagnoses.

Blood test for rare cancer proteins

A new blood test developed at the Johns Hopkins University can identify individual molecules in human blood samples with minimal detection errors. 

Blood cell production insights

A healthy adult makes about two million blood cells every second, and 99% of them are oxygen-carrying red blood cells. 

HCPC standards of education and training

Alan Wainwright, IBMS Executive Head of Education, summarises revisions that are due to be implemented following an audit. 

“Poverty leaves mark on genes”

A new study challenges prevailing understandings of genes as immutable features of biology that are fixed at conception.

Biomedical Science Day 2019

This year Biomedical Science Day will be held on Thursday 20 June. Once again, we want our members to celebrate their work in biomedical science and show patients, hospital staff and the public the vital role they play in healthcare. Free with this month’s edition of The Biomedical Scientist you’ll find a poster to put up at work to help encourage colleagues to take part.  

War on cancer pt.2: landmarks in the development of chemotherapy

The second article of two, which briefly reviews the historical developments and use of chemotherapy since 1948 to treat different cancers. 

Approaches to lipid therapy

Consultant Chemical Pathologist Professor Tim Reynolds outlines drug developments over recent decades in lipid therapy.

Reflections of a Quality Manager pt.2

Mairiead MacLennan takes a look at the validation, verification, variation and the uncertainty that surrounds these terms. 
