February 2019


Dervilla Gorman and Naomi DeJager describe their roles as bronze commanders at Viapath Analytics and discuss their responses to incidents that have affected pathology services. 

Health and herbs in the Dark Ages

Stephen Mortlock casts on eye to the past and documents the agrarian, tribal existence that followed the fall of the Roman empire.

New ideas and approaches

Jackie Longbone, Deputy Head of Service for Microbiology and Infection at Frontier Pathology, explains the benefits of welcoming overseas PhD students.

Member engagement

A look at the topline results from this year’s IBMS member engagement survey.

British Journal of Biomedical Science, Issue 1 2019 – synopsis

Editor Andrew Blann outlines the content of the latest issue, which opens with a synopsis of all the articles published in 2018, with the subtitle “What have we learned?” This review-type article is the subject of a JBL exercise. Notably, six of the eight published articles involve methods in molecular genetics.

How to… maintain accreditation

Ben Courtney, UKAS Accreditation Manager, and Delia Geary, UKAS Technical Manager, give practical guidance for compliance with ISO 15189:2012 and maintaining accreditation.

Your chance to shape the future of the IBMS

The IBMS prides itself on being a professional body that is run by its members for its members.

Tackling the diseases of ageing

Scientists from the global biopharmaceutical company MSD will come to the Crick next year in a bid to tackle a range of conditions associated with ageing, such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

Diagnosing prostate cancer

Genetic alterations in low-risk prostate cancer diagnosed by needle biopsy can identify men that harbour higher-risk cancer in their prostate glands, according to new research.

Breath test to detect cancer

A clinical trial has been launched to see if a breath test could detect the presence of cancer.

February: news in numbers

A breakdown of science news this month, in numbers.
