April 2021

Colour pop Friday

The blood science staff at Scarborough Hospital have taken to wearing their brightest clothes on Fridays.

New sustainable wraps for IBMS magazine

From this issue, we’re switching the wrapping on our members’ magazine.

Book to attend congress 2022

Booking for Congress 2022 is now open, with early booking discounts available.

Digital Pathology group

The IBMS discussion group for digital pathology is looking for new members to attend and facilitate at virtual meetings.

David Wells - New chief exec

The IBMS is happy to announce the appointment of David Wells as its new Chief Executive from 1 June 2021.

The latest on higher specialist scientific training

Lisa Ayers and Professor Berne Ferry outline recent development with the HSST programme.

Journeys through the pandemic

We hear from the charity Harvey’s Gang and four other organisations about voluntary work, how they have coped in the pandemic and what their hopes are now that restrictions are easing.

Everyday people

Sarah May, Deputy Chief Executive of the IBMS, thanks the usually overlooked workers who have kept us safe in the pandemic.
