April 2020

"Cancer cells hibernate in lungs"

Healthy lung cells support the survival of breast cancer cells, allowing them to hibernate in the lung before forming secondary tumours.

"Childhood vaccines enhance cancer treatment"

Scientists claim new research shows that pre-immunisation, acquired through common childhood vaccines, can be used to enhance therapeutic cancer treatment.

Blood test for Alzheimer's

A point-of-care blood test is being developed to swiftly reveal if a patient with memory issues has Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment.

April science news in numbers

A breakdown of science news this month, in numbers.

Journal-based learning

Please select your choice of correct answers and complete the exercises online at: www.ibms.org/cpd/jbl

The emerging pandemic

Sarah May, IBMS Deputy Chief Executive, says that in times of panic and hysteria, we need to look at the evidence and listen to the scientists.

British Journal of Biomedical Science Synopsis

Deputy Editor Guy Orchard outlines the content in the latest issue, which includes a variety of subjects and a wide range of discipline-specific papers.

Obituary: Steve Crane

It is with a sad heart that I have to write this. Steve passed away on 30 December 2019.

STEM for Britain award winners

Early career researchers took centre stage at this year’s STEM for Britain awards.

New molecules for fighting cancer

Cells can survive and multiply under more stress than previously thought, shows new research.

Microbiology in rural India

Former Chief Biomedical Scientist Ivor J Mitchelmore outlines a trip to India, where he and colleagues worked to set up a microbiology culture service.
