September 2022

Antibiotic resistance genes identified in TB

An analysis of more than 10,000 Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterial isolates from 23 countries has revealed new genes associated with resistance to 13 first- and second-line new and repurposed antibiotics.

New test may predict covid-19 immunity

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed an easy-to-use test to predict COVID-19 immunity.

Genetic method for identifying hundreds of disease agents

A new paper compares the pathogen-detecting ability of a next-generation sequencing (NGS) system — the Respiratory Pathogen Infectious Diseases/Antimicrobial Resistance Panel (RPIP) — with a previously studied NGS system and standard of care (SOC) diagnostic methods for samples obtained with bronchoalveolar lavage.

Mystery and medicine of native Americans

Stephen Mortlock casts an eye back over history and the healthcare practices of the Native Americans.

The neonatal blood film

As at any other time in life, examination of a blood film in a neonate can be very informative. It is important that films are interpreted in the context of the clinical details and the blood count. It is also necessary to consider the period of gestation of the neonate at birth, since what is normal differs in term and preterm babies, particularly for those born before 28 weeks’ gestation.

Assessing employability skills

Tahmina Hussain and Martyn Hicks interrogate the results of a study into gaps in the knowledge, skills and experience of new graduates entering the biomedical science workforce.

The big question: newly qualified biomedical scientists

This month we ask “What is the most vital skill or attribute for a newly qualified biomedical scientist to possess”

“Gene editing via CRISPR/cas9 can lead to cell toxicity and genome instability”

CRISPR/Cas9 is a commonly used, very precise, gene editing technique often known as “genetic scissors”.

“Collagen a key player in breast cancer metastasis”

Collagen type XII plays a key role in regulating the organisation of the tumour matrix, reveals a new study.

AI and ecg heart trace to predict diabetes

An artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm, derived from the features of individual heartbeats recorded on an ECG (electrocardiogram), can accurately predict diabetes and pre-diabetes, suggests preliminary research.

Communicating what we do

IBMS Chief Executive David Wells on why it is important for the Institute to inform members of exactly what it does.
