
Cancer and stress breakthrough

Stress hormones can trigger the formation of structures that make body tissues more susceptible to metastasis, research has found.

Tech news: April 2024

This month's top tech news stories

Under the microscope: bam15

This month: BAM15

Bat swarming and immunity

Bats carry some of the deadliest zoonotic diseases that can infect both humans and animals, such as Ebola and COVID-19.

Fibroblast cells and pancreatic cancer growth

Older people may be at greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer and have poorer prognoses because of age-related changes in cells in the pancreas called fibroblasts, it is claimed.

Reversible, non-hormonal male birth control

Scientists have found a new method of interrupting sperm production, which is both non-hormonal and reversible.

Examining the medical mystery of child hepatitis outbreak

A study has shed light on an unexpected wave of severe acute hepatitis cases in 2022, amid the backdrop of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic.

Blood poisoning keeping many people out of work

New research from Norway, where 3000 people die every year from sepsis, looks into how the condition affects people returning to work.

Liquid biopsy evaluation

Researchers have received a $2.4m grant from the U.S. Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program to validate a new blood test for the early detection of breast cancer.

Mitochondria, fatigue and long COVID

Persistent fatigue in patients with long COVID has a biological cause – mitochondria in muscle cells that produce less energy than in healthy patients.

Precision pathology for cancer with new ai tool

A new AI tool interprets medical images with unprecedented clarity, according to the results of a new study.
