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Tech news: April 2024

This month's top tech news stories


Magnetic bead purification

Integra Biosciences has launched its MAG and HEATMAG modules for efficient, automated magnetic bead purification. They allow researchers to streamline several processing steps in molecular biology and proteomics workflows for maximum laboratory throughput. They are complemented by COLDPLATE and BIOSHAKE.

Alpha Laboratories

Calprotectin Testing

Alpha Laboratories, a leading provider of clinical diagnostics and laboratory supplies, is proud to introduce the latest advancement in faecal calprotectin extraction workflows. The CALEX Faecal Calprotectin Collection Kit enables patients to prepare and return their samples, revolutionising the traditional stool testing process. Stabilised samples arrive in the laboratory ready for processing and analysis.

In 2014, the introduction of the BÜHLMANN CALEX Cap, a stool extraction device, transformed laboratory workflows.


Bacteria Klebsiella, 3D illustration.Image Credit | shutterstock- 584511661

Antimicrobial candidates

PACE has announced a partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) to support innovators developing new antimicrobials. PACE is focused on removing barriers and connecting the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research and development ecosystem to accelerate and strengthen the pre-clinical pipeline. Leveraging the UKHSA’s Open Innovation in AMR platform, the collaboration will support the evaluation of new antimicrobial candidates from PACE-funded projects to help generate new scientific breakthroughs. Successful projects will have access to UKHSA facilities to test panels of clinical strains of bacteria.

Image Credit | Shutterstock | Integra Biosciences AG

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