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Clinical andrology: overcoming barriers, improving outcomes

Clinical Scientist and Andrology Service Lead Stuart Long on the impact that taking on a patient-facing role can have.

Andrology under “life science” is often still referred to as “basic semen analysis” and generally retained as a specialist section under a wider more well-known, established discipline, such as cellular pathology. There have been significant changes to the role and understanding of andrology in recent years, particularly in terms of career pathways under the Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) in 2010. Initially, this did not include andrology in its own right. In 2017, as part of the Scientific Training Programme (STP), the first candidates started the Masters in Clinical Science to allow them to become state-registered clinical scientists upon completion. This was shortly followed by an ability for current scientific staff to apply for STP equivalence through the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) with an initial wave of successful applicants in 2019. Still, this little-known area remains under the radar and is often under-utilised and under-supported.

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