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Sponsored: Time is of the essence in the management of sepsis

Every year, 49 million people acquire sepsis. Time is of the essence for appropriate therapy as the key driver of clinical outcomes.


Every year, 49 million people acquire sepsis. Time is of the essence for appropriate therapy as the key driver of clinical outcomes.

For every hour delay in time to appropriate therapy, survival decreases by 7.6% during septic shock.

Identifying sepsis risk as quickly as possible is critical for improving patient outcomes. Fast and actionable diagnostic data, paired with advanced analytics solutions, can inform sepsis care, and direct the course of antibiotic therapy throughout the patient journey.

Broad spectrum antibiotics, which are commonly used to treat patients until sepsis is diagnosed, can contribute to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Because the spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens is occurring faster than the creation of new drugs to fight them, AMR is now one of the world’s biggest healthcare threats.

bioMérieux provides clinical laboratories with a unique and comprehensive range of integrated diagnostic solutions to address the challenges of sepsis management and AMR. Our high medical value diagnostic solutions enable timely detection and identification of pathogens and provide actionable insights that can optimise antibiotic therapy and improve patient outcomes.



AMR was declared a top 10 global public health threat in 20191, however, recent reports reveal that actions and investments are still needed to prevent a potential AMR public health crisis. AMR occurs when bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites mutate naturally over time and no longer respond to modern medicines – a problem exacerbated by the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials.




AMR is threatening modern medicine, creating the potential for even a routine procedure to become life threatening. A 2022 study revealed that 1.27 million deaths occurred in a single year as a result of AMR.1  That's one death every 25 seconds.

“There is no time to wait. Unless the world acts urgently, antimicrobial resistance will have disastrous impact within a generation."
— United Nations Interagency Coordination Group

Diagnostic stewardship is an emerging concept in healthcare that focuses on the responsible and effective use of diagnostic testing. This concept, while rooted in the lab, is now emerging in frequent parallel with hospital-based antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) initiatives, with both aiming to optimise patient outcomes and promote better patient care. Diagnostic stewardship is often simplified to the right test for the right patient at the right time, which goes hand-in-hand with the AMS clinical objectives of prescribing the right antibiotic for the right indication at the right dose and duration.

Diagnostic stewardship helps ensure the appropriate use and application of available diagnostic tests to inform more timely clinical decisions and support the judicious use of antimicrobials, however, the value of the laboratory extends beyond the care of individual patients. 

bioMérieux provides the most complete solution to support diagnostic and AMS initiatives. We offer a unique and comprehensive range of actionable diagnostics, advanced analytics, consultancy services and educational modules that enable the lab and clinicians to provide earlier, optimised and data-driven therapy for better patient management and a responsible use of antibiotics.


Sponsored by bioMérieux

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