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Combating misinformation

The proliferation of online information has made it easier than ever to learn, but also to encounter sources of questionable quality. It’s important to be extra vigilant with online sources as misleading information can have serious consequences for the integrity of our profession and the wellbeing of those seeking career advice.

The IBMS is committed to helping individuals navigate the abundance of information and identify reliable, trustworthy resources. We do this by providing a clear and trusted pathway for aspiring biomedical scientists:

  • Ethical framework: As a non-profit organisation, the IBMS prioritises upholding professional standards and supporting career development.
  • Rigorous accreditation: IBMS Accredited degrees meet the stringent quality benchmarks set by the HCPC, preparing students with the knowledge and skills required for successful careers.
  • Structured training: The IBMS Registration Training Portfolio, completed in an approved laboratory, provides a clear path to competence, verification and HCPC registration.

IBMS members play a crucial role in combating the effects of misinformation:

  • Be vigilant: Stay informed about high-quality resources and discourage colleagues and students from engaging with costly offers or unreliable materials.
  • Spread awareness: Share IBMS resources and emphasise the importance of IBMS Accreditation and registration training.
  • Emphasise mentorship: Encourage the use of the IBMS mentorship programme for guidance and consider becoming a mentor yourself.

For those currently facing difficulties finding training positions, remember: the IBMS is here to support you. Explore our website, attend our events and webinars, and connect with our network for accurate information to support your career journey.

Our “Routes to Registration” project, including videos and VR experiences, proactively educates prospects through careers fairs. These efforts empower students and future scientists to make informed decisions.

IBMS members, especially those within universities, can help by informing students about the legitimate paths to registration. Promote our free website resources and the benefits of the IBMS community and professional network.

Let’s work together to safeguard the integrity of our profession and pave the way for the next generation of biomedical scientists.

David Wells IBMS chief executive

Image credit | Paddy Mills

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