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IBMS mentoring programme

The IBMS announced the launch of its new mentoring programme in February. 

It has a bespoke mentoring platform that makes creating and managing mentoring relationships a smooth and practical experience.

The programme is for any IBMS member looking for support in their career development (mentee) and any CSci FIBMS member who is willing to help others with their development (mentor).

During the mentoring process, the mentor will share their personal skills, knowledge and experience with the mentee to enable them to explore their personal and professional situation.

It is a two-way process in which the mentor and mentee work together to set and achieve predetermined goals and objectives.

Mentoring is a way of enabling the mentee to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to perform at a higher level, and of giving them access to impartial, non-judgmental guidance and support.

The IBMS believes in the powerful impact mentoring can have on an individual’s professional growth and hopes the programme will enable IBMS members to reach their full potential.

Mentees will need to register, have their registration confirmed by IBMS staff, and then set up their profile. When they have completed their profile they will be matched with a suitable mentor. Once mentors have accepted, they will contact mentees to discuss how to move forward.

To sign up to the programme you will need to create a new account, as it is separate from the IBMS website.  

For more information, visit

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