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Biomedical Science Day 2024

On 6 June, we will celebrate #BiomedicalScienceDay2024, raising awareness of the vital contributions of biomedical science professionals #AtTheHeartOfHealthcare.

Born eight years ago, our annual campaign shines a light on our unsung heroes in laboratories and research facilities who are instrumental in over 80% of clinical diagnoses in the UK.

Last year, Biomedical Science Day was the world’s largest biomedical science awareness campaign by far, resonating from the chambers of Parliament to the pinnacle of the BT Tower. The hashtags #BiomedicalScienceDay2023 and #AtTheHeartOfHealthcare achieved remarkable engagement, gaining over 20,000 mentions on Twitter, with the topic trending in the top 10 throughout the UK. This high level of engagement was echoed across other platforms, with over 1000 Facebook posts, 500 LinkedIn posts, and 250 Instagram posts.

This year, we are not just celebrating our crucial profession but also sharing a major report that we commissioned. It underscores the immense value biomedical scientists add to healthcare, specifically within the bowel cancer patient pathway. The detailed findings demonstrate how early interventions spearheaded by biomedical scientists are crucial in improving outcomes, highlighting our essential role in preventive healthcare.

The report reveals that biomedical scientists’ involvement in the early testing stages of the bowel cancer pathway enables earlier detection, significantly enhances patient survival chances and reduces healthcare costs.

In this single pathway alone, the top-end estimate of the financial value biomedical scientists contribute to the NHS is £571m annually.

Biomedical Science Day will serve as an opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our profession and as a platform to unveil quantifiable impacts, demonstrating that the role of biomedical scientists extends far beyond the laboratory. We are pivotal in enhancing patient outcomes and optimising healthcare efficiency.

Join us celebrating #Biomedical ScienceDay2024 and help spread the word about the indispensable role of biomedical science in modern healthcare. Let’s promote our crucial contributions and highlight how we ensure the wellbeing of millions across the UK.

David Wells IBMS chief executive

Image credit | Paddy Mills


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