
SPONSORED: The power of automated gel-based ID-cards in routine immunohematology workflows

Immuno-haematology assays are pivotal to the carrying out of blood grouping, antibody screening and transfusions, and represent a critically time-dependent stage in the patient management pathway.

Tech news: January 2024

This month's top tech news stories

Tech news: August 2023

This month's top tech news stories

Tech news: June 2023

This month's top tech news stories

Tech news: May 2022

This month's top tech news stories

CRISPR/Cas9 Genetic Engineering

CRISPR/Cas9 Genetic Engineering – How Gilson Manual and Automated Pipetting Tools Facilitate the Process

Autoimmunity symposium

To celebrate the launch of the Zenit PRO, Menarini Diagnostics hosted an Autoimmunity symposium. This was attended by scientific staff from across the country despite very challenging weather conditions. The following is an account by Ms Amani Elhouderi of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; reflecting on the day’s events.

April: Tech news

Latest tech news for April.

New genomics centre to open

Cancer Research UK and AstraZeneca have announced that they are opening a new centre in the UK, dedicated to realising the full potential of functional genomics in the discovery and development of new drugs for patients with cancer.
