Haematology & Transfusion Science

Improving transfusion with training

Ruth Evans and Laura Eastwood from NHS Blood and Transplant discuss virtual reality training for blood transfusion testing.

Casestudy acquired protein s deficiency

Healthcare Science Section Lead in Haematology and Haemostasis Michelle Bolam presents a case study in which a two-year-old presented with an unprovoked extensive deep vein thrombosis.

DNA: Cutting the future of genome editing

The latest CRISPR-Cas technology has been used to eliminate all traces of HIV from infected cells in the lab. Here we look at how gene editing could revolutionise clinical treatments and ask what the limitations are for its future use.

Training Officer Support Forums 2024

IBMS Executive Head of Education Sue Jones discusses the brand-new series of Training Officer Support Forums that will be running throughout the year.

Gamification in biomedical science education

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science Jen May outlines the successful implementation of scenario-based learning software.

SPONSORED: The power of automated gel-based ID-cards in routine immunohematology workflows

Immuno-haematology assays are pivotal to the carrying out of blood grouping, antibody screening and transfusions, and represent a critically time-dependent stage in the patient management pathway.

Machine learning tool to detect cancer via liquid biopsy

US researchers have developed and tested an innovative machine-learning approach that could one day enable the earlier detection of cancer in patients by using smaller blood draws.

Tech news: October

This month's top tech news stories

Screening for alzheimer’s disease

A new blood test called p-tau217 shows promise as an Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biomarker, and when used in a two-step workflow very high accuracy to either identify or exclude brain amyloidosis – the earliest pathology.

Mutations in blood stem cells and colon cancer

US scientists have found how common age-related changes in the blood system can make certain colon cancers grow faster.

Improving transfusion safety: serious hazards of transfusion report

A look at the key findings and recommendations from the recent Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) annual report.
