March 2019

Autoimmunity symposium

To celebrate the launch of the Zenit PRO, Menarini Diagnostics hosted an Autoimmunity symposium. This was attended by scientific staff from across the country despite very challenging weather conditions. The following is an account by Ms Amani Elhouderi of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; reflecting on the day’s events.

Modified flu virus that targets and kills cancer cells

Scientists from Queen Mary University of London have received a grant from Prostate Cancer UK, as London continues to lead the way in advanced prostate cancer research.

Hens that lay human proteins in eggs offer future therapy hope

Chickens that are genetically modified to produce human proteins in their eggs can offer a cost-effective method of producing certain types of drugs, research suggests.

Separating blood plasma with a toy

Researchers have found a novel use for “fidget spinner” toys – separating blood plasma for diagnostic tests.

Champion of Biomedical Science

The IBMS has announced that for Biomedical Science Day, which is held on 20 June, each region will crown a Champion of Biomedical Science.

Haematology CPD presentation

A CPD presentation with a multi-disciplinary slant has been organised by the Birmingham branch of the IBMS.

Annual General Meeting

The seventy-seventh Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Biomedical Science will be held at the Institute of Biomedical Science, 12 Coldbath Square, London, EC1R 5HL, on 8th June 2019 at 11.30am.

Here to help: realistic expectations

Alan Wainwright, IBMS Executive Head of Education, asks the question: “What are the realistic expectations of a new biomedical science graduate?”

Biomarker for genome instability

Elevated levels of a protein called ubiquilin-4 can be a biomarker for genome instability, a Tel Aviv University study shows.

My lab: molecular pathology services

Clinical Scientist and Molecular Pathology Lead Siobhan Taylor gives a guided tour of the laboratory at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Social prescribing due to increase

The prescribing of social activities, such as exercise and art classes, rather than medications, is set to rise under NHS England plans.
