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Before I go to work I… go for a run three mornings a week – it really sets me up for the day.

Denise Cook

My first task when I arrive is…

to check in with my quality manager. We are not often on the same site on the same day, as we cover five sites, so it may be a “hello” over the phone or some tea and toast if we are on the same site. We are both in at around 7.30am, so it’s nice to take this quieter time to catch up before the craziness of the day starts.

One of the biggest challenges I face is…

writing reports! I always leave it to the last minute. I’m much more of ‘doing’ person and not quite so good at sitting still in an office and writing the reports.

My favourite thing about my job is…

I get to work in all the areas I feel passionate about and am in a position to drive change in training and development, quality, service improvement and patient safety. It’s why I became a biomedical scientist all those years ago and all the work I have done has got me to this fantastic position.

When I feel overworked I…

get out in the fresh air, run, walk or cycle. This brings back “the me inside”, not the crazy me running around with a head full of stuff and an overfl owing inbox!

If I get a few spare minutes I…

go walkabout and see how teams are doing. I’m always amazed at how much I learn about what needs to be done by simply walking and talking with teams for a few minutes.

The one thing I could not do my job without is…

my boss! Cheesy I know – but his belief in everything I do and his understanding of why my role is needed makes the difference between achieving goals and not.

When I tell people what my job is…

I tell them I am a biomedical scientist. Fundamentally that’s what I am and why I am able to do the role I am in now. I’m proud of it, so why wouldn’t I?

I feel like I’ve had a good day when…

I’ve worked with someone who has gone home smiling. It’s not always easy, we’re busy and it feels like we are wading
through treacle at times. But I am a professional coach and mentor and nothing beats helping people grow and develop and do well in their careers.

I’m the Pathology Clinical Governance, Quality and Service Improvement Lead for Surrey Pathology Services. My role is to make sure that the pathology service is of an excellent standard, and that all patients and their samples receive high-quality diagnostic and clinical care.

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