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Celebrating success

Chris Ward, IBMS Head of Examinations, celebrates some of the achievements of members who have obtained Institute qualifications in the last year.

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The names shown on the opposite page are candidates who have passed our higher qualifications, but we also want to take this opportunity to send our congratulations to anybody who successfully passed an IBMS qualification during 2018. This includes over 300 who passed the Specialist Portfolio in their chosen discipline and the more than 150 who passed the Certificate of Expert Practice in Leadership and Management, Quality Management, Molecular Pathology or Training.

Candidates and managers alike recognise that Institute qualifications aid professional and career development opportunities and, in these times of financial constraint, are an affordable, flexible way of supporting staff, especially in comparison to academic qualifications.

This is reflected by the fact that last year saw an increase in uptake across our wide-ranging portfolio of qualifications that are suitable for practising biomedical scientists who are at differing stages in their careers, from those who are just starting out, to those who are (or are endeavouring to be) advanced and consultant practitioners.

Our qualifications encourage critical thinking, questioning attitude, reflective practice and the development of greater autonomy and are both developed and assessed by IBMS expert practitioners and academics in collaboration with, where appropriate, colleagues from the Royal College of Pathologists.

They represent a considerable commitment of both time and effort and demonstrate that those who have successfully passed have a comprehensive understanding of complex scientific, technical and managerial subjects.

Those who undertook them will recognise that achievement of an Institute professional qualification provides peer and as well as wider professional recognition.

It demonstrates that they can apply their knowledge, competence and personal autonomy, as well as transferable skills and qualities in their chosen discipline that may not be easily demonstrated through an academic qualification.

Successful achievement of the Specialist Diploma allows individuals to upgrade to Member (MIBMS) status. Success in the Higher Specialist Diploma, the Advanced Specialist Diploma (ASD) in Histopathology Reporting or the ASD in Specimen Dissection or Non-Gynaecological Cytology, along with the pre-requisite Diploma of Expert Practice (DEP) qualification, provides eligibility for upgrade to the highest level of Institute membership, Fellowship (FIBMS) status.

Those who are successful in these qualifications represent the future leaders of the biomedical science profession. Several individuals who have gained the prestigious FIBMS status through the achievement of the HSD are now members of one of the eight Institute advisory panels which, as was described in last months’ edition of the The Biomedical Scientist, play an invaluable role in supporting the work of the Institute.

Congratulations to all those who passed an Institute qualification in the last 12 months. 

If you want more information on any IBMS qualifications, visit 
For information about upgrading your membership, contact [email protected]

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