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Contribute to the Topol review

IBMS members are being encouraged to take part in the Topol review.


This explores how to prepare the healthcare workforce through education and training to deliver the digital future.

It aims to enable NHS staff to utilise developing technologies – such as genomics, digital medicine and artificial intelligence – in order to improve NHS services. Biomedical scientists are encouraged to share their evidence and experience to inform the report about which technologies are currently being used and which provide the best potential to be used in future healthcare.

The evidence received will help form an understanding of these changes on the required skills, education, curricula, training and learning of currentand future NHS staff.

Evidence from biomedical scientists who work in genomics will be of particular interest, as this field is expected to revolutionise aspects of cancer care, from prediction, screening, diagnosis and treatment.

The review is led by geneticist Dr Eric Topol and it is being facilitated by Health Education England.

Evidence can be submitted online at

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