
Cancer and stress breakthrough

Stress hormones can trigger the formation of structures that make body tissues more susceptible to metastasis, research has found.

Tech news: April 2024

This month's top tech news stories

Under the microscope: bam15

This month: BAM15

Bat swarming and immunity

Bats carry some of the deadliest zoonotic diseases that can infect both humans and animals, such as Ebola and COVID-19.

Fibroblast cells and pancreatic cancer growth

Older people may be at greater risk of developing pancreatic cancer and have poorer prognoses because of age-related changes in cells in the pancreas called fibroblasts, it is claimed.

Reversible, non-hormonal male birth control

Scientists have found a new method of interrupting sperm production, which is both non-hormonal and reversible.

Examining the medical mystery of child hepatitis outbreak

A study has shed light on an unexpected wave of severe acute hepatitis cases in 2022, amid the backdrop of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic.

The evolution of cancer

Charlie Swanton outlines the work in cancer research that led to him being awarded a 2024 Louis-Jeantet Prize for translational medicine.

Machine learning tool to detect cancer via liquid biopsy

US researchers have developed and tested an innovative machine-learning approach that could one day enable the earlier detection of cancer in patients by using smaller blood draws.

Tissue contamination distracts AI

In a new study, scientists trained three AI models to scan microscope slides of placenta tissue to detect blood vessel damage, estimate gestational age and classify macroscopic lesions.

Tech news: March 2024

This month's top tech news stories
