Haematology & Transfusion Science

Improving transfusion with training

Ruth Evans and Laura Eastwood from NHS Blood and Transplant discuss virtual reality training for blood transfusion testing.

Casestudy acquired protein s deficiency

Healthcare Science Section Lead in Haematology and Haemostasis Michelle Bolam presents a case study in which a two-year-old presented with an unprovoked extensive deep vein thrombosis.

DNA: Cutting the future of genome editing

The latest CRISPR-Cas technology has been used to eliminate all traces of HIV from infected cells in the lab. Here we look at how gene editing could revolutionise clinical treatments and ask what the limitations are for its future use.

Training Officer Support Forums 2024

IBMS Executive Head of Education Sue Jones discusses the brand-new series of Training Officer Support Forums that will be running throughout the year.

Gamification in biomedical science education

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science Jen May outlines the successful implementation of scenario-based learning software.

SPONSORED: The power of automated gel-based ID-cards in routine immunohematology workflows

Immuno-haematology assays are pivotal to the carrying out of blood grouping, antibody screening and transfusions, and represent a critically time-dependent stage in the patient management pathway.

Machine learning tool to detect cancer via liquid biopsy

US researchers have developed and tested an innovative machine-learning approach that could one day enable the earlier detection of cancer in patients by using smaller blood draws.

IBMS research grants

We look at the work of Dr Mosavar Farahani who received an IBMS Research Grant in 2023 to help fund her work on disease progression and skeletal complications in multiple myeloma.

My Lab: Flow cytometry laboratory

Jaxon Moran and Emily Jones give a guided tour of the Flow Cytometry Laboratory at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

International childhood cancer day_harris

International Childhood Cancer Day

International Childhood Cancer Day is a global campaign to raise awareness about childhood cancer. In support, we are raising awareness of how and why labs get involved in Harvey’s Gang. Here’s Tamara Hanson’s story.

Beware of the dog bite

Principal Biomedical Scientist Advanced Practitioner in Morphology Nicki Lawrence looks at three case studies of patients who were bitten by dogs and developed a Capnocytophaga canimorsus infection.
